

Enjoy "Digging Into the Gardens" blog, written by Denver Botanic Gardens' staff. Learn about gardening, horticulture, research, conservation, special events, art, tours and much more. 


Lemonade gardening...

April 20, 2013 Panayoti Kelaidis
Opuntia cycloides at my house last fall Since there will be no lilacs breeding out of this year's dead land (check the last paragraph of this Blog if you don't recognize the reference!) we must make


April 12, 2013 Panayoti Kelaidis
Fritillaria bucharica 2012 So as not to depress you right from the start, I post an image of Fritillaria bucharica, one of my favorite bulbs I have grown for several decades in my home garden

"Nature's first green is gold"

April 7, 2013 Panayoti Kelaidis
Dwarf forsythia in Northwest Denver on April 6, 2013 Robert Frost was undoubtedly NOT thinking about Forsythia when he wrote his classic short poem, whose proper title is "Nothing gold can stay." I

They're off and running!

April 1, 2013 Panayoti Kelaidis
Iris 'Katharine Hodgkin' In the last few weeks, a few crocuses here...a few snowdrops there...it's been slim pickens! But suddenly with the last few warm days the Gardens are practically exploding

Bringing World Water Day Home

March 21, 2013 Jennifer Riley-Chetwynd
Friday, March 22, 2013 is World Water Day – it has been since the United Nations declared it so in 1993. As Denver and Colorado head into a seemingly imminent drought this summer, the typical global

The Best Time to Be a Member

March 15, 2013 Membership Department
Winter is almost over, however there are still lots of options for enjoying the Gardens. Be sure to see some of the thousands of spring bulbs that are starting to bloom throughout the Gardens! The

A Week at the Huntington Botanical Gardens

February 11, 2013 Rachel Murray
In February I’m usually in the Exhibits office at Denver Botanic Gardens putting together the interpretive messages that will appear in signage and audio tours in the busy season ahead. This year, I’m

Snowdrop time...

February 9, 2013 Panayoti Kelaidis
It's snowdrop time again! Surely, no plant is more intimately associated with winter flowering (okay, okay--Christmas roses may be!), and none have developed such an enthusiastic folowing: there are

Membership: Rewarding on So Many Levels

January 25, 2013 Membership Department
When you decide to become a member of Denver Botanic Gardens, you might be thinking about the many visits you will enjoy with friends and family: enjoying the Orchid Showcase and the Boettcher

Will the real Pampas Grass please stand up?

January 24, 2013 Panayoti Kelaidis
Yes, Virginia...pampas grass ( Cortaderia selloana) does indeed grow in Denver...although not in great numbers. Observant visitors will have noticed them dotted here and there at the York Street

Vantage points in winter

January 17, 2013 Panayoti Kelaidis
With well over 800,000 visitors a year, Denver Botanic Gardens can hardly be considered much of a secret--except maybe in winter. Visitors expect to be dazzled by Blossoms of Light, so they flock here

Fire danger and the garden

January 10, 2013 Panayoti Kelaidis
How easy it is to be lulled into complacency in the depths of winter when our attention is distracted by snowpack and driving conditions. We appear to have forgotten just how long and hot last summer

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