Passive Solar Greenhouse Growing

Rocky Mountain Gardening Elective
Ever feel like you don't know what you are doing in your passive solar greenhouse? Thinking of turning it into a shed? Or perhaps you have plans to build one and what then? Penn and Cord have been growing food in their passive solar greenhouses year round for 22 years and they have a lot to share. This class helps take some of the mystery out of something that should be so easy and yet can seem so hard. Matching appropriate plants to the microclimates within your unique greenhouse is crucial. Seasonal plantings, crop rotation, soil amendment, companion planting and more are all things that can up your growing game in a passive solar greenhouse. Learn about growing favorite greenhouse foods, herbs and flowers, over wintering potted plants and succession planting for a year round harvest. This course covers preventative methods for bugs and disease and what to do if you do lose control. Step up production in your greenhouse and enjoy the benefits.
Price: $48, $38 members
Instructors: Penn and Cord Parmenter
Penn and Cord Parmenter are high-altitude food and seed growers. When they began homesteading in 1991, the Parmenters were told tomatoes don't grow in the mountains. Today, they work with 250 varieties of tomatoes at 8,120 feet in the Wet Mountains. They apply a multitude of techniques to overcome the challenges of growing tomatoes in the high country. They own Smart Greenhouses LLC, a sustainable greenhouse design and build company, and Miss Penn's Mountain Seeds, providing regionally adapted seeds for extreme climates. They are celebrating over three decades of growing seasons in the Rockies!