Homeschool Science Supplement at Plains Conservation Center: Climate Change Science

Climate change is a major threat to our planet, but there are things we can do to make a difference! Learn about the causes of global warming, collect phenology data on prairie plants to contribute to the BudBurst community science project, and see how natural elements like plant roots and atmospheric dust can combat this crisis.

Smart phone or other device will be required to use the BudBurst app. Please download the app before the class.

Homeschool science supplement classes are designed for 4th-9th graders to expand on their scientific knowledge and skills.

Audience: Families with children in grades 4-9

Program Fee: $8 per child, $6 per member child; $8 per adult, $6 per member adult

Location: Plains Conservation Center, 21901 E. Hampden Avenue, Aurora, CO 80013

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