September Walking Tour – Stroll through Lainie’s Cutting Garden
September is a great time to take a walk through the flowers in Lainie’s Cutting Garden. By this time in late summer the plants are in full bloom and at their peak for harvesting. This garden was
A Walking Tour of the Bill Hosokawa Bonsai Pavilion
The Bill Hosokawa Bonsai Pavilion opened on June 20, 2012. Since then, we have seen the bonsai collection grow and the landscape of the Pavilion mature and, in some cases, be replaced by native
August Walking Tour – Water Gardens
August is a great month to take a walk around the water gardens to see our aquatic plant collection in its full glory. Begin your stroll at the small pool in the Ellipse garden – home to the Chihuly
June Walking Tour – Cold-Hardy Cactus Collection in Bloom
It is time! The cacti have finally erupted into bloom despite our cool spring. Denver Botanic Gardens is home to one of the most impressive cold-hardy cacti collections in our region with colors
May Walking Tour – Center Water Feature at Chatfield Farms
What better way to welcome spring than a woodland walk? At Chatfield Farms, guests can delight in a pocket of woodland whimsy by visiting the Center Water Feature Garden as it wakes from winter
April Walking Tour – The Joy of Spring
Spring arrives like a lovable goof — one day, merrily sending up snowdrops, the next, losing all concentration and leaving us knee-deep in snow. Yet, even on the snowiest day, there’s a current of
March Walking Tour – Little Plants of the Cactus and Succulent House
Gardeners are often asked: “What is your favorite plant?” Although difficult to answer for someone whose job is to grow plants from around the world, I can always find one that sticks out a little
February Walking Tour – Not-to-Miss Plants in the Tropical Conservatory!
Before having the chance to work with tropical plants, I never really thought of them as being seasonal, but like plants we grow outside at the Gardens, the tropical collection goes through its own
January Walking Tour – Welcome. Please Come In.
Come for the plants, stay for the science, art, education, library, films, food and drinks! Plants touch all our lives without us even noticing, and as winter sets in, you can reconnect to nature
December Walking Tour – This Brutal Garden
Why do soft beings make such hard things? As the plants of the Gardens seasonally senesce, and the colorful foliage of autumn is replaced by the stark, skeletal, lignified forms of winter, the built
November Walking Tour – Birds Flock to Denver Botanic Gardens
Chances are you visited the Gardens to see and learn about beautiful and diverse plants. You’ve come to the right place! A query of our living collections database, BG-BASE, provides a snapshot
October Walking Tour – Ornamental Fruit: Berries, Drupes and Pommes
When we think about late-season garden interest, fall asters and tawny grass textures might come to mind, or perhaps the smoldering reds and oranges of autumn foliage. But plants can also offer