Orchids 201

This intermediate-level course builds on the Orchids 101 class, exploring in detail the subjects of habitat, pollination, breeding, tissue culture, mineral nutrition, pH, water quality, flowering, propagation, beneficial microbial inoculants and biopesticides, terrestrial vs. semi terrestrial vs. epiphytic growth habits, metabolism, and more! With tips and tricks gleaned from 20 years in the orchid world, this course will help you get to the next level as a grower. Each class participant will receive an exotic orchid species to bring home.
Price: $50, $45 member
Instructor: Andrew Hatch
Andrew Hatch has spent 20+ years growing plants of all types and has grown over 200 orchid species commercially. He is a former president of the Denver Orchid Society and has been awarded at the national level for flower quality. Andrew gives guest lectures at colleges and universities on orchid micropropagation, and currently owns Artifact Gardens, a rare plant nursery and tissue culture lab that specializes in orchids, bromeliads, aroids, and other tropicals.