Perennial Planting in the Fall
Why plant in the fall when we’ve always heard spring is the right time to plant? Fall is when the season is winding down and when we start putting the gardens to bed, not when we plant new plants
Book Release! “Shrouded In Light”
Shrublands exist all around us, thriving in almost any environmental condition, from the desiccating sunshine of the endless sagebrush steppe to the deep, private shade of moist forests. These diverse
Essential Gardening Tips for Early Spring
Spring has officially arrived! This season is a time of rejuvenation and reconnection with the earth. As Margaret Atwood said, “In spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” Here are
Spark and Shine: Tips for Garden Tool Tune-up
So, what have gardeners been up to all winter? Resting the body, enhancing the mind with classes and conferences, and preparing for spring. One of the best tasks to prepare for spring is tool
The Home Gardener’s Guide to Carbon Sequestration
Gather ‘round, green-thumb enthusiasts. It’s time to get the dirt on carbon sequestration and unearth how our gardens can be unsung heroes in battling climate change. What is carbon sequestration? As
The Benefits of Deep Mulching
There are many ways to increase soil health in your garden. One of those is using deep mulch to cover beds. Often used in combination with other sustainable farming practices like crop rotation and
Creating a Climate-friendly Summer Garden
Summers in Colorado are typically filled with extremes: extreme heat and extreme drought. This has been the year of extreme moisture; an unusual but welcome addition to the tolerant Colorado garden
Colorado Natives in the Home Landscape
As a gardener in the urban Front Range, each season brings new challenges, or the same challenges just in a different order. Rabbits, salt, cold and hot temperatures, drought, foot traffic – sometimes
Taking Action Against Climate Change
Growing up in Vermont, I was immersed in a culture of environmentalism before I understood what that even meant. At age 5, I was part of a “kids against pollution” club where a group of friends and I
Winter Planning for Your Vegetable Garden
There’s no better way to beat the winter blues than by dreaming of this season’s garden! Before choosing your plants consider garden size, location, soil and amount of daylight it receives. If your
Looking Forward to Earth Day 2023
At Denver Botanic Gardens, we are already making plans for Earth Day on April 22. This is also an SCFD Free Day at the Gardens and we're going to have lots of things going on that day for you at both
3 Tips to Get Your Garden Ready for Late Fall
The Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) team has had a great growing season at Chatfield Farms. As the season winds down, our focus shifts from planting and harvesting vegetables and flowers to