Coastal Carolinas’ Savage Gardens and Botanical Hotspots
People are often surprised to learn that the Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula), a beloved and world-famous carnivorous plant, is native to the Southeastern United States, specifically the subtropical wetlands of North and South Carolina. We have long been drawn to the unique and bizarre nature of carnivorous plants. There’s the aforementioned Venus flytrap, with hinged leaves that snap shut around its prey. The sundew that lures insects with sticky gel secreted on its leaves. The pitcher plant with modified leaves known as pitfall traps. One of the country’s best regions to observe carnivorous plants in their natural habitat is the coastal Carolinas. But why? Why carnivorous and why do they grow where they do?
Join our upcoming tour Coastal Carolinas' Savage Gardens and Botanical Hotspots from May 25-29. Delve into the unique world of carnivorous plants and explore stunningly beautiful coastal saltmarshes, ancient bald cypress swamps and the cultural richness and history of Charleston, South Carolina.
Mae Lin Plummer, director of The IDEA Center for Public Gardens, along with renowned local botanist Paula Gross and Ed Davis, associate director of UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens, are your guides for this unforgettable trip to the coastal Carolinas' botanical and cultural hotspots. Get full itinerary and details to register.

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