Ayurveda in the Kitchen: Nutrition, Digestion and the Six Tastes

Ayurveda is a traditional form of healing originating in India over 5000 years ago. In the timeless wisdom contained in the practice of Ayurveda, we have guidelines on how the food, spices, herbs, teas, and tastes we consume will impact us. In this class, we learn:

- Principles of digestion according to Ayurveda.

- Ayurvedic recommendations for daily routine.

- The six tastes and examples of how they appear in the foods we eat.

- Food options and how to determine what is right for you and when.


Additionally, we prepare a seasonal meal together using the concepts learned in class in an easily adaptable recipe.


Price: $48, $43 member

Instructor: Farnosh Family


Farnosh was a long time student and teacher of yoga before turning to the sister science of yoga, Ayurveda, for help in healing after the birth of her first child. What she learned in those transformational months led her to a life guided by the principles of Ayurveda for herself and her family. She has studied with many teachers of yoga, ayurveda, and sanskrit including Dr. Vasant Lad, Shiva Rea, Sonia Massoco, Maria Garre, Patricia Wickman, and Dr. Bharat Vaidya. She holds an MA in organic chemistry from UCLA and a BA in environmental chemistry from Columbia University.

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