

Enjoy "Digging Into the Gardens" blog, written by Denver Botanic Gardens' staff. Learn about gardening, horticulture, research, conservation, special events, art, tours and much more. 

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A Peek into the Global Conservation Conversation

January 25, 2023 Jennifer Ramp Neale, Ph.D.

In December I had the opportunity to participate in the United Nations Biodiversity Conference of the Parties COP15 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Having engaged in the global conversation on plant

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High Line Heroes at Work

November 16, 2022 Research & Conservation

Denver Botanic Gardens’ scientists embarked on their third season of research this summer in partnership with the High Line Canal Conservancy to survey plant communities along the 71-mile trail. I was

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The Relevance of Biodiversity Data

April 6, 2022 Rick Levy

The digital age gave us a new dimension that infiltrates nearly all aspects of our existence. But, as we navigate this decade, the bearing that nature holds on our everyday lives has reestablished

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Cover Cropping on the Farm

September 13, 2021 Katie Meyer

In our quest to incorporate more regenerative practices on the farm we have been using cover crops for several reasons. It may seem counterintuitive, but even when we need to rest and regenerate an

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Saving Tiny Plants Through Big Collaboration

August 26, 2021 Jennifer Ramp Neale, Ph.D.

As summer is starting to wind down and field season is largely wrapping up, work in the alpine continues. The alpine field season, being higher in elevation, is delayed compared to the flowering

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